Kancelaria adwokacka - Szczecin Kancelaria adwokacka - Szczecin

Engagement. Competence.

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In performing our services we find solutions that are tailored to the individual needs of our clients and we operate according to simple, transparent rules:

  • We start an assignment by determining the exact scope of the commission, as well as a timetable for implementation of the task.
  • Fees for outsourced services are agreed in consultation with the Client, usually in the form of a predetermined flat rate or an hourly rate.
  • We regularly bring the Client up to date on ongoing work and the current amount of our fee, as well as on the steps that will be taken by our office in the nearest future.
  • In the case of regular legal support for the current business operations of firms, clients receive monthly lists of completed tasks and performed work hours; an invoice for the commission is issued on the basis of lists approved by the client.

The Law Firm is located in Szczecin; however, thanks to partnering with lawyers in major cities, we provide services throughout the country.  

Our office

Kancelaria adwokacka
adwokat Tomasz Bąk
18/2 Niedziałkowskiego St.
71-403 Szczecin, Poland
Phone./Fax:   (+48) 91 820 29 29 
Mobile:          (+48) 507 09 66 39
E-mail:           lawoffice@tbak.pl